We do live in a materialistically overloaded and oversaturated world.  Goods have become so incredibly cheap. Seemingly so cheap that with the decrease of the value we have stopped caring for our belongings. 

You know something is seriously wrong when teenagers apparently only wear their tops once before throwing them out and buy a new one. So undervalued it is apparently not worth washing.  Formed behaviour.

Kids are overflowed with gifts and presents at the smallest of occasions. Birthday parties have become an obscenity, a rage of plastic accumulation. Big, bigger, the biggest and a lot of it.

In modern life, time has become more precious than purchasable goods. We do not spend time with our children anymore, making things, teaching them skills on how to repair, cook and finding solutions to problems. Instead we choke them in cheap plastic goods and cheap food.

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 Previously, I have been offered newly bought chairs at no cost. The owners brought them back home and decided that they weren't the right fit after all but could not be bothered to return them to the shop. Not worth the hassle as they had only cost so little.  Let's put meaning into your belongings, buy things that matter and start caring for them.

britta de laat